It's time for PhotoshopCAFE's 10th annual design challenge. Design Challenge 10 is open and waiting for your entry. It's free to enter, so you have nothing to lose. Have a little fun and win some super cool prizes!
Total prize pool so far...
Adobe: Creative Suite 4 Design Permium. PhotoshopCS 4 Extended, Lightroom 2
Wacom: Intous 4 Medium Graphics Tablet
NVIDIA: Quadro FX 4800, Quadro FX 3800, Quadro FX 1800 GPU
Autodesk: Sketchbook Pro (Multiple copies)
X-Rite: ColorMunki Design (x2), ColorChecker Passport, ColorMunki Create
Lensbaby: Lensbaby Composer, $75 and $50 Gift Certificates
Artistic Photo Canvas: Winner and 2 runner ups get a framed canvas of thier winning entries
PhotoshopCAFE: Training DVDs and The winner will be featured on the PhotoshopCAFE homepage.
(Prizes Still coming!)
The Challenge is...
Photoshop the movie on DVD
Make a DVD Cover with a Photoshop themed movie!. The twist? You have to use a tool from Photoshop as the title of the movie. (Think of a DVD cover that has a Photoshop Themed name. Such as "Attack of the Clone Stamps" etc...) Props for wit and cunning! Use any original artwork you desire. You may use any tools or platform you choose, but you must use Photoshop for at least 50% of the Image editing/design. Photos are acceptable, credit the photographer if your not the photographer.